CVB Meeting
Calendar Date:
Public Meeting Notice
Wrangell Convention and Visitor Bureau
December 8, 2017
The Wrangell Convention and Visitor Bureau’s will have a Meeting on Friday, December 8, 2017 at noon, 12:00pm, at City Hall. The meeting is open to the public.
Wrangell Convention and Visitor Bureau
December 8, 2017 12:00pm noon
1. Roll Call
2. Amendments to the Agenda
3. Correspondence
4. Approval of Minutes of: October 19, 2017
5. Persons to Be Heard:
6. Old Business
a) Discussion of 2018 boat show – schedule, expenditures, promotions
b) Stikine River Birding Festival
c) Discussion of Alaska Media Roadshow - Participating as Alaska Rainforest Islands
d) Discussion of proposed update to Wrangell Visitors by the Number
7. New Business
a) Website Quote for
b) Budget Status
8. Adjournment