2023-05-23 Borough Assembly Meeting

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 - 6:00pm

City & Borough of Wrangell, Alaska



During the Regular Assembly Meeting of Tuesday, April 25, 2023, starting at 6:00 PM, there will be a PUBLIC HEARING on the following item(s):

  1. Approval to provide additional funding, not to exceed $25,000 to the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce for 2023 4th of July activities

  2. RESOLUTION No. 05-23-1777 of the Assembly of the City and Borough of Wrangell, Alaska, amending the FY 2023 General Fund budget by appropriating an additional $25,000 contribution to the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce
  3. ORDINANCE No. 1041 of the Assembly of the City and Borough of Wrangell, Alaska, authorizing the participation in the Alaska Municipal League investment pool, inc. For use by cities and boroughs
  4. ORDINANCE No. 1042 of the Assembly of the City and Borough of Wrangell, Alaska, adding a new chapter 3.55 Titled “Economic Development Board” to the Wrangell Municipal Code