USFS Central Tongass Landscape Level Analysis - Includes Wrangell District
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Public Meetings
The Petersburg and Wrangell Ranger Districts invite you to attend one of our public meetings in Wrangell, Petersburg or Kake. The purpose of these meetings is to gather community input on the proposed action for the Central Tongass Project, a landscape-scale project located on the Petersburg and Wrangell Ranger Districts. At the Petersburg and Kake meetings, the Forest Service is also seeking input on the development of a Tongass-wide Long-Term, Sustainable Cabin Management Strategy.
Wednesday, September 5th
5 to 7 pm
Nolan Center
Tuesday, September 11th
7 to 9 pm
Kake Senior Center
Thursday, September 13th
12 to 2 pm and 5 to 7 pm
Holy Cross House
Central Tongass Project
A Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was published in the Federal Register on August 9, 2018, which initiated a 45-day comment period that ends on September 24, 2018. Members of the Central Tongass Planning Team will be available at each meeting to answer questions about the information presented in the NOI and the Scoping Report. A link to the NOI and the Central Tongass Scoping Report can be found on the project webpage:
Specific written comments on the project’s proposed action will be accepted at these meetings. Comments may also be submitted electronically or mailed to the Petersburg Ranger District, PO Box 1328, Petersburg, AK 99833, or hand-delivered to the Petersburg District office at 12 North Nordic Drive.
For questions about the CT Project, please contact Project Leader Carey Case at 907-772-3871.
Long-Term Sustainable Cabin Management Strategy
The Tongass National Forest is developing the Long-Term, Sustainable Cabin Management Strategy to ensure the Forest continues to provide for a high-quality cabin experience and is responsive to developing trends and challenges. This effort was inspired by increasing maintenance costs, decreasing budgets and significant changes in usage trends. At the Petersburg and Kake public meetings, Forest Service employees will be available to answer questions about the Strategy and collect your input to ensure future projects and management align with the experience cabin users are seeking. IMPORTANT.... this is relevant for Wrangell too even though it is not part of this USFS meeting. Wrangell residents need to comment.
Those unable to attend may join the Tongass National Forest Cabin Users Group on Facebook to submit comments or send an email to
For more information about the Long-Term Sustainable Cabin Management Strategy go to or contact Tori Houser at 907-874-2323.