City Owned Lots for Sale - Over the Counter

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals
Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Thursday, June 18, 2015 - 12:00am
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City Owned and Foreclosed Properties


The City owned lots that are listed below were offered for sale pursuant to WMC 16.12.040 by a sealed bid process. The lots listed below did not receive any bids. The Borough Assembly approved Resolution No. 06-15-1319 on June 9, 2015 to authorize the lots to be sold over-the-counter pursuant to Wrangell Municipal Code 16.12.105, beginning on June 22, 2015, at 9:00 a.m., Wrangell City Hall, 205 Brueger Street, Wrangell, Alaska 99929, on a first-come, first-serve basis, and will be sold for the minimum value.

Successful purchaser will be required to obtain any necessary federal/state permits for development of the land. These permits could include, but are not limited to Corps of Engineers wetland fill, a State water quality consistency determination, Borough building permit or other land use permits.

Property Description                          Square Footage                          Minimum Bid Value

Lot 1, Block 38 (SF)                           7,501 sq. ft.                               $29,000            

Lot 5, Block 38 (SF)                           15,134 sq. ft.                             $34,000

Lot 6, Block 38 (SF)                           15,502 sq. ft.                             $30,000

Lot 16, Block 30B (SF)                      7,799 sq. ft.                                $28,000

Lot 17, Block 30B (SF)                      7,769 sq. ft.                                $28,000

Lot 18, Block 30B (SF)                      7,788 sq. ft.                                $28,000

Lot 19, Block 30B (SF)                      7,813 sq. ft.                                $28,000

Lot 20, Block 30B (SF)                      6,887 sq. ft.                                $25,000