Planning and Zoning Commission

Calendar Date:
Thursday, June 13, 2024 - 5:30pm

The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission’s regular meeting will be held on Thursday, June 13th, 2024 @ at 5:30 PM in the Borough Assembly Chambers located in City Hall.

The agenda includes the following Public Hearing (PH) items:

  1. (PH) Petition to Rezone remainder of Lot A-2, Torgramsen-Glasner Subdivision, according to Plat 2017-1, zoned Single Family Residential changing the zoning district from Single Family (SF) to Light Industrial (LI) requested by Phillip Mach.
  2. (PH) Conditional Use Permit application request for a cottage industry business within Lot 7, Block 62 of the Wrangell Townsite, zoned Single Family Residential, according to Plat No. 2008-4, requested by Wesley Seward.
  3. Request from Steve Thomassen to purchase Borough Real Property identified as Lot 2, Block 63A, Industrial Park Subdivision II, according to Plat No. 2000-9, zoned Holding.
  4. Request from Brett Woodbury to purchase Borough Real Property (8 lots) identified as;
    Lot 5A, Block 61, Industrial Park Subdivision II, according to Plat No. 2001-7, zoned Industrial
    Lot 8, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Park, according to Plat No. 92-9, zoned Industrial
    Lot 7, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Park, according to Plat No. 92-9, zoned Industrial
    Lot 9, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Park, according to Plat No. 92-9, zoned Industrial
    Lot 10, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Park, according to Plat No. 92-9, zoned Industrial
    Lot 11, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Park, according to Plat No. 92-9, zoned Industrial
    Lot 12, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Park, according to Plat No. 92-9, zoned Industrial
    Lot 13, Block 66, Wrangell Industrial Park, according to Plat No. 92-9, zoned Industrial

If you receive this notice by mail, your property is within 300 ft. of the applicant and property involved in one or more of the Public Hearing (PH) items listed above.

Information will be published for public access in advance of the meeting. The meeting packet may be obtained through the calendar on the Borough website at

The public is encouraged to attend. If you would like to submit a comment to the Department Director or the Commission, please email your comments to


Kate Thomas, Economic Development Director
City and Borough of Wrangell, Alaska