Public Meetings - Mt Dewey Trail Extension Project - 65% Design Review

Project Area Map

Mt Dewey Trail Extension Project - 65% Design Review
Public Walk-Through and Information Meetings

The public is invited to walk through the new route of the upcoming Mt Dewey Trail Extension project with Borough staff and the PND design team on Thursday, October 13, 2022, 3:00 p.m. The walk will begin at the existing Mt Dewey trailhead on Third Street. The walk will follow the existing boardwalk for a period and then drop down the backside of Mt Dewey hillside and through the muskeg below where the natural terrain is steep, brushy, and boggy. Rubber boots are encouraged to be worn for walking through the muskeg.

Following the field walk-through, a public information meeting to review the Mt Dewey Trail Extension project will be held Thursday, October 13, 2022, 5:30–6:30 pm at the Nolan Center.

At this meeting, the PND Engineers and Corvus Design team for this project will provide an update on the design of the trail having incorporated feedback from a previous public meeting. The project area extends from the existing Mt Dewey Trail to Bennett Street, near Ishiyama Drive. The project also includes a connector trail from the existing Volunteer Loop Trail to Ishiyama Drive.

The public will be invited to ask questions about the project.

For questions about the meeting, please contact Amber Al-Haddad, 907-874-3902,