2025-03-20 Sewer Outfall Repair PSA
For immediate release: March 20, 2025 @ 4:30 pm
Water Treatment Outfall Repaired
The City and Borough of Wrangell’s wastewater treatment outfall has been repaired.
As of March 19, 2025, treated sewage is back to being discharged 1,800’ offshore at a depth of 125’ of water as opposed to being discharged on the beach.
Since this repair has just been completed between City Park and Heritage Harbor, the beach in that area is still considered hazardous.
The City and Borough of Wrangell is currently working with regulatory agencies on testing the beach for fecal coliforms and an announcement will be made once results indicate the beach is safe.
In the meantime, residents are encouraged to continue to avoid this area. Please reach out to the Public Work Department at (907) 874-3904 with any questions or concerns.