6 Mile Deep Water Industrial Site

Deep Water Industrial Site at 6 Mile Zimovia Highway
The 6 mile Zimovia Highway deep water industrial site (former mill site for Alaska Pulp Corporation and then Silver Bay Logging Company) is one of the last deep water industrial sites available for development opportunities in southeast Alaska. It is comprised of approximately 40 acres of uplands. In 2016, the Borough was in the process of purchasing the property at that time, and as part of the Borough's due diligence, the Borough contracted with Maul Foster Alongi to provide a property assessment and feasibility study for a high-level review of property constraints, opportunities, and community opinion of future use. That report, along with property aerials and other property information obtained this past spring are also available for the public's review.
The City and Borough of Wrangell held a Public Forum for the property on December 14, 2022. The public that attended provided input on the future vision and use of the deep-water industrial property (former Mill Site) at 6-mile Zimovia Highway. The Summary Report is available below.
Chris Mertl with Corvus Design facilitated the meeting to solicit community input on priorities, needs, and ideas for the future development of the former Mill Site.