Central Tongass Landscape Level Analysis for Wrangell and Petersburg Ranger Districts

The purpose of the Central Tongass Landscape Level Analysis Project (CT LLA) is to improve forest ecosystem health on the Petersburg and Wrangell Ranger Districts, help support community resilience, and to use an integrated approach in meeting multiple resource objectives in order to provide economic development.
The proposed action will be developed through public involvement. It will look at ground disturbing activities that might occur rover the course of 10 to 15 years. Input from the tribes and the public will help determine the location and types of activities, and how extensively they will occur across the landscape.
These activities should be NEPA approved, requiring site specific analysis as project opportunities arise over the next 10 to 15 years.
USFS is hosting the introductory meeting March 8, 2018 from 5 to 7pm at the Nolan Center classroom.