Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2021
The City and Borough of Wrangell will be holding a Community Meeting on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 5;30pm in the Assembly Chambers at City Hall, 205 Brueger Street, for the purpose of accepting alternative proposals for funding consideration, and seeking citizen views and community comments on proposed projects for funding under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.
The Borough will also have a public hearing during the Regular Borough Assembly meeting on September 28, 2021 (meeting begins at 7:00pm) to review submitted projects, seek additional comments and views from residents on suggested projects, solicit any new project ideas and select a project for application based on comments.
PROJECT UPDATE: The Borough Assembly approved an application for the High School and Middle School Fire Alarm replacement project. For more information, please contact Carol at City Hall 907-874-2381.
Thank you to those individuals that offered alternative project ideas.
CDBG funds may be used for:
Community Development:
a) Public Facilities including, but not limited to, construction of health clinics, water and sewer systems, day care centers, solid waste disposal facilities, docks and harbors, flood and drainage facilities, electrical distribution lines, property acquisition, fire protection facilities and equipment;
b) Transportation Improvements such as local service roads, boardwalks, barge facilities and airports;
c) Access to Public Facilities and Structures including removal of architectural barriers, improved access for handicapped and elderly persons;
d) Real Property acquisition, building removal, improvements, demolition;
Fire Protection Facilities and Equipment acquisition, design, purchase, and rehabilitation.
2) Planning: including feasibility studies, data collection, land use plans, marketing studies and other planning documents, but NOT engineering design costs); and
3) Special Economic Development: (activities associated with commercial and industrial structures and job creation – very narrowly defined activities).
The detailed documents for the program are available below.
To send in projects via email, please send to Carol Rushmore at or drop off written comments at City Hall.